My name is Melinda. I live in
Ontario, Canada. I have been a Marilyn fan/collector for over 20 years. I
have been running this website since 2000 with over one million visitors! It is a
labour of love for me. I enjoy sharing my passion for Marilyn with other
fans. When I was a new fan it was the wonderful websites and fanclubs that inspired me to contribute to the Marilyn community. So this site is my way to pay it forward to the new generation of fans.
I have had the opportunity to meet up with Marilyn fans from all over the world. I have attended the 40th, 45th, 50th and 55th memorial service in Hollywood, California. This event had become a week long celebration of Marilyn's life over the years.
On June 1, 2010 I got to live out my dream wedding (thanks to a very understanding husband). We were married in Las Vegas with two of the world's top Marilyn impersonators standing up for me. Over the years I have met many wonderful Marilyns and I decided that I would ask my favourites to be in my wedding. I was overjoyed when they both agreed. Susan Griffiths (who appeared as Marilyn in Pulp Fiction and my fav episode of Quantum Leap) was my bridesmaid and the amazing Suzie Kennedy (who came all the way from the UK!) was my maid of honour!
My first introduction to Marilyn came as a result of being a huge Madonna fan. The "Material Girl" Video had
come out and everyone was comparing her to someone named Marilyn Monroe. I saw a brief clip from Marilyn's "Diamonds are a girl's best friend" number on the news and I began wondering who this beautiful woman was?
I picked up my first book "Marilyn" by Barris/Steinem and I was absolutely captivated by her and I still am today.
I enjoy photography books instead of the biography types. I have read her life story enough and as time goes on, more and more liars come out of the wood-work just looking for sensationalism. Marilyn's image is more
fascinating to me anyway. I could spend hours just looking at her photos. I also don't read the murder-cover-up books either. I try to celebrate her life not the way she died.
I don't subscribe to
the conspiracy theories about the Kennedy's and the mob. My belief is
that her death was an accident. I don't think she wanted to kill herself
as she had so much to live for at that time but her dependency on pills and
alcohol was too much. There was no one there to save her.
My favourite Marilyn movies include; Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Seven Year Itch and Bus Stop.
If you are looking to connect with
other Marilyn fans I would highly recommend MARILYN REMEMBERED ON FACEBOOK
My very first and most recent trip to visit Marilyn.